April 12 Meeting - Preparing for World IPv6 Day


WORLD IPV6 LAUNCH is 6 June 2012 – The Future is Forever

Topic: Preparing for World IPv6 Day Presenter: Kevin Otte,Igor Partola, Jym Williams-Zavada, Alan Porter When: Thursday, April 12, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Video Recording: April 12 TriLUG Meeting - Preparing for World IPv6 Day

Kevin Otte: (Slides) Major ISPs, home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services by 6 June 2012. http://www.worldipv6launch.org

Igor Partola: (Slides) Using IPv6's global addressing as a way to get direct connectivity between my home and office. With IPv4 we had to setup up a VPN which required some management. Having IPv6 at home and work (via TunnelBroker) makes it easy to connect directly to the machines I want to get to. Teredo/miredo helps connecting from coffee shops, etc. when on the go.

Alan Porter: (Slides) Adding IPv6 support to a web provisioning interface for a large telecom project.

Jym Williams-Zavada: (Slides) Getting a mikrotik router to work with a Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel, enabling IPv6 on my LAN. And if there's time, also about the IPv6 firewall rules I use to protect my LAN nodes from the rest of the IPv6 Internet.

TriLUG Hack Day: April 14 You've heard the buzz and seen the slides, now come get hands-on experience with IPv6 on your own equipment. Bring your PCs, smartphones, tablets, routers, or other interesting devices to see how they'll work in our IPv6 test lab.

March 8 Meeting - Device Mapper Multipath


Topic: Device Mapper Multipath Presenter: Adam Drew When: Thursday, March 8, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Slides: adrew-trilug-multipath.tar.bz2 Video Recording: March 8 Meeting - Device Mapper Multipath

Synopsis: In enterprise environments fault tolerance, redundancy, and high throughput are all major concerns. And there are few places where these concerns are as pressing as they are for enterprise storage. Multipath is a storage technology that fulfills all of these requirements and Device Mapper Multipath is a native multipathing solution for Linux systems. Though Device Mapper Multipath is mature, stable, and widely deployed it is often misunderstood and incorrectly deployed.

This presentation explains Device Mapper Multipath starting at theory of operation, to deployment, and finally through troubleshooting. The goal of the presentation is to provide a clear and complete description of how to deploy, understand, and resolve issues with Device Mapper Multipath on Linux systems. The material will be presented with a focus on Device Mapper Multipath on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 but is also applicable to Fedora, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and other Fedora-derived distributions.

Bio: Adam Drew is a Software Engineer with Red Hat in Raleigh, North Carolina. Drew started with Red Hat in 2009 as a front-line phone support technician, worked his way up through Red Hat's Global Support Services organization, and recently joined Red Hat's supportability team as a software engineer. Drew specializes in High Availability clustering, storage, filesystems, and the device mapper. Drew has given presentations on storage topics at the Red Hat Summit in Boston and in Red Hat's Technical Account Management webinar series and is the author of over 150 Red Hat knowledge-base articles and technical briefs. Drew lives with his wife, dog, and three cats in Raleigh.

Many of you will know Drew from his smiling face at the front desk at Red Hat where he buzzes the doors open on Thursday nights. Last year he gave a fantastic presentation on Open Source Software for Musicians.

March 10 Hack Day: OpenWRT No.2


Due to the overwhelming success of the first Hack Day, TriLUG is doing it again: Hack Day No.2.

Hack Days are kind of like an install fest, where members come together face to face to share ideas and lend a helping hand. The theme for this hack day will be on running Linux (OpenWRT) on Wireless Routers. We ran out of time at the last Hack Day, so let's do it again.

Please add your router to the table on the OpenWRT Hack Day wiki.

Location: SplatSpace located at 331 W. Main Street Durham, NC.

Date: The hack day will be on Saturday 10th March 2012. All day. 10am - 5pm

The activities for the day include:

  • installing OpenWRT firmware (linux) on peoples routers
  • learn some embedded linux skills
  • build and customizing OpenWRT packages
  • take apart routers to add serial ports and other electronics
  • fix bricked and broken routers if we can

What to Bring

  1. laptop/desktop for building and deploying code
  2. wireless router or other funky equipment to run OpenWRT
  3. CAT5 network cable
  4. serial cables, usb-serial adapters, jtag pods

February 18 - NCSU FOSS Fair


NCSU's 4th annual FOSS Fair is on Saturday, February 18th is the date and lunch will be provided to folks that are signed up on our wiki page by Friday, February 10th. Sign up today and share a day of FOSS!


The FOSS Fair is a barcamp or unconference style event and is completely driven by you, the participants.

So how can you help out with the FOSS Fair?

  • Give a Presentation or Session. Sessions are 50 minutes and can be as formal or informal as you are comfortable with. Everyone is encouraged to hold a session.

  • Tell people about the FOSS Fair. Know other groups on campus that would be interested? Tell them. Blog about FOSS Fair. Be social about the FOSS Fair.

  • Do you have ideas about something that would make the FOSS Fair more of a success? Door prises or other marketing opportunities? Shoot Jack Neely an email and let him know.

February 9 Meeting - Trusted Network Connect (TNC)


Topic: Trusted Network Connect (TNC) Presenter: Lisa Lorenzin When: Thursday, February 9, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps

The Trusted Computing Group is an international standards group developing standards for building blocks and software interfaces enabling secure computing environments. Trusted Network Connect (TNC), a work group of TCG, provides a reference architecture and interfaces for network-based intelligent policy decisions, security automation, and communication between devices. Many open source and Linux-based products implement TNC standards; we'll talk about the architecture and standards, current implementations, and real-world uses for TNC-enabled technology.

This overview is intended both as a standalone session and as background for a future session, in which we will take a deep dive into an open source, Linux-based security automation infrastructure leveraging the TNC IF-MAP interface.

Lisa Lorenzin is a Principal Solutions Architect with Juniper Networks, specializing in security and mobility solutions, and a contributing member of Trusted Network Connect, a work group of the Trusted Computing Group that defines an open architecture and standards for endpoint integrity and network security. She has worked in a variety of Internet-related roles since 1995, with more than a decade of that focused on network and information security, and is currently concentrating on enterprise security includin network segmentation, end-to-end identity-based access control, and integration of mobile security.

Meeting Sponsor: WebAssign is the market-leading independent online homework and assessment system, available commercially since 1998. Based on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, WebAssign serves over 600,000 student users each academic term, providing a customized user experience tailored to measure their academic performance at the class level. Adopted at more than 1500 academic institutions worldwide, WebAssign is widely known for its user-friendly faculty interface; innovative interaction design; patent-pending grading engine; and partnerships with diverse content providers in the fields of math and science.

January 12 meeting - Open Source Business Intelligence Tools


Topic: Open Source Business Intelligence Tools Presenter: Alex Meadows When: Thursday, January 12, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus Map: http://www.redhat.com/about/contact/ww/americas/raleigh.html Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/dba_alex/open-source-business-intelligence-overview

Business Intelligence has become one of the business world's most valuable tools to determine upcoming business decisions. Thanks to the open source revolution, BI is no longer just for enterprise level businesses.

This presentation will go over the different areas of Business Intelligence and show just how far open source alternatives have come in each area. BI can be broken down into five distinct areas, which include:

  • Reporting
  • Data Warehousing
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Visualization
  • Predictive Analytics
From the very basic reporting to the most advanced predictive analytics, open source can cover many of the features and capabilities of their multi-million dollar competitors.

Alex Meadows is an avid open source advocate and self proclaimed 'data geek'. He has worked in the Business Intelligence field for six years and holds a Masters in Business Intelligence from Saint Joseph's University. He is also the Community Leader of the RTP Penthao User Group. He can be followed on his blog at http://www.bluefiredatasolutions.com and on Twitter at @DBA_Alex.

Wireless Router install and hack day - Sat 21st January 2012


TriLUG Install and Hack Day, will be kind of like an install fest, where members can meet to share ideas and skills. The theme for this hack day will be on running Linux (OpenWRT) on Wireless Routers. This topic keeps re-appearing on the TriLUG mailing list every few months, so why not get together and help each other do something fun.

Date: The hack day will be on Saturday 21st January 2012. All day. 10am - 5pm

Location: Techshop RDU located at 5905 Triangle Drive Raleigh, NC 27617.

The activities for the day include:

  • installing OpenWRT firmware (linux) on peoples routers
  • learn some embedded linux skills
  • build and customizing OpenWRT packages
  • take apart routers to add serial ports and other electronics
  • fix bricked and broken routers if we can

What to Bring

  1. laptop/desktop for building and deploying code
  2. wireless router or other funky equipment to run OpenWRT
  3. CAT5 network cable
  4. serial cables, usb-serial adapters, jtag pods

December 8 meeting: Open Source Showcase and Holiday Social


Topic: Open Source Showcase and Holiday Social Presenter: You! When: Thursday, December 8, 7pm Where: SplatSpace, 331 W. Main St., Durham, NC Map: http://splatspace.org/location/ Permalink: http://trilug.org/2011-12-08/showcase

Back by popular demand, our holiday meeting will be at SplatSpace (our local hackerspace) in Durham, NC.

We will provide space to anyone who wants to showcase open source projects they find interesting. It can be software, hardware, or data -- just as long as it's free (as in speech). Think of it as a science fair or show-and-tell for open source enthusiasts.

We will also open up the kitchen area for anyone who wants to bring snacks, desserts, and drinks to share with everyone else. These items do not have to be open source, but you definitely get extra geek cred if there is a creative-commons licensed recipe sitting next to the food you bring. It also makes it easier for folks like me, who try and avoid gluten, to know what's safe to eat.

The doors open at 7pm and you can wander from table to table, to see the neat things people are showcasing. If you are presenting something, be sure to let us know which things you want to see. We will try to coordinate breaks for people so that even the presenters get a chance to see the things that interest them.

If you'd like to showcase something or bring some food to share, please add an entry to the wiki page: http://trilug.org/wiki/Meeting:2011_December_8

PLEASE NOTE: To make things a little harder for spammers, you have to enter a username and password to access the wiki. The username is "TRI" and the password is "LUG".

You may also add things to the wiki page that you simply wish someone would demonstrate. That said, please consider running that table yourself. It's completely OK to show up with 20 copies of a live CD that you've been meaning to try out and to invite others to sit down and tinker on it with you. The important parts of this meeting are sharing your interests with others and socializing. Please let us know ASAP that you intend to present something, so that we can reserve a table and chair for you.

Alan Porter, one of our fantastic steering committee members, has volunteered to demo an Arduino system, "that measures and records environmental stats for our hermit crab's cage. It's like a Star Trek tricorder for crustaceans. The hardware and development tools are all open source - so share and enjoy!"

I've heard rumors that someone is bringing egg nog, but I'm not sure how much. What are you bringing? Go add it to the wiki now :)

Looking forward to seeing all of you at SplatSpace on December 8!

Kind regards, Justis Peters


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning