March 12 - iRODS Executive Overview and Demo
2020-02-29Topic: iRODS Executive Overview and Demo
Presenter: Terrell Russell, Chief Technologist, iRODS Consortium
When: Thursday, 12 March 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: NCSU College of Textiles, 1020 Main Campus Dr., Room 2207
Parking: Underground parking deck immediately adjacent to the building (see map)
Map: Google Maps will get you close, but use the NCSU College of Textiles link for proper directions to building
Speaker notes
The Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) is open source data management software used by research, commercial, and governmental organizations worldwide. It is a C++ client/server application that provides a programmatic surface to an organization's infrastructure. The plugin architecture supports microservices, storage systems, authentication, networking, databases, rule engines, and an extensible API. iRODS has been deployed in thousands of locations worldwide, across industries as diverse as oil and gas, life sciences, physical sciences, archives and records management, and media and entertainment. This talk will provide an overview of the technology, some use cases, a live demo, and time for Q&A.
Terrell Russell works at the iRODS Consortium at the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at UNC-Chapel Hill. He oversees the iRODS development team and handles code review, package management, documentation, and high level architecture design. He's interested in distributed systems, metadata, security, and open source software that accelerates science.
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