April 10 Meeting - "5 big ideas of ibiblio, 3 laws of ibiblio"


For the past 15 years, ibiblio has remained one of the major brands in the Open Source ecosystem providing services to over 3,000 projects in Open Source and Open Information. A center for collaboration, innovation and service, ibiblio (as sunsite.unc.edu and later as metalab.unc.edu) pioneered website hosting, Internet radio, network-distributed Linux distributions , and other ground- breaking activities.

Paul Jones, founder and director of ibiblio.org, will talk about how the Big Ideas are put into practice and how they have played out in such specific projects as Project Gutenberg, Groklaw, Degree Confluence, eTree.org, The Linux Documentation Project, Roger McGuinn's Folk Den and other ibiblio-hosted and supported projects.

Please join us for our next meeting on April 10, 2008 at 7pm at Red Hat, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh. Directions are available at http://www.redhat.com/about/contact/ww/americas/raleigh.html

March 13 Meeting - Mark Spencer of Digium, "From Project to Product"


The next meeting of the Triangle Linux Users Group will be at 7pm on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at Red Hat (directions and location information).

Our speaker will be Mark Spencer of Digium giving a talk entitled "From Project to Product"

Discussion will primarily be focused on the transition from creating an open source project through productization and building a company around it. Questions will be strongly encouraged at the end of the presentation and may be of a technical or non-technical nature. who will presumably speak about Asterisk, the open source PBX.

January 2008 Meeting - Zenoss Core with Mark Turner


The January 2008 meeting of the Triangle Linux Users Group will be held on January 10 at Red Hat in Raleigh, NC at 7:00PM. Directions available at http://www.redhat.com/about/contact/ww/americas/raleigh.html

This month's topic is Zenoss Core. Zenoss Core is an open-source network management platform which monitors your applications, servers, and network infrastructure using SNMP, syslog, polling - even custom scripts and Nagios plugins! The bells-and-whistles you get with this open-source platform, like its Ajax-based user interface and integration with Google Maps, will truly dazzle you.

Come to the January meeting and see why this impressive, GPL-licensed management platform is among the top five Sourceforge downloads. Mark Turner of Zenoss will be presenting.

Also - starting this month, we'll be raffling off tech books, gadgets, etc, so show up and get your ticket.

2007 Annual Food Drive at the December Social


We will be conducting the annual food drive for Raleigh Rescue Mission at the December Social, so bring:

  • Canned corn, peas, carrots, soups, veg-all, applesauce, oranges, baked beans, chili beans, cranberry sauce
  • Jars of apple sauce, baby food, pasta sauce
  • Dry goods such as instant mashed potatoes, dried soups, stuffing, oatmeal, cereal, crackers, baby formula, pasta, mac & cheese
  • Plastic bottles or other containers of non-perishable juice

or any other non-perishables you care to donate to the meeting and we will haul them to RRM.


TriLUG December Social, sponsored by Google


The Triangle Linux Users Group will be holding it's annual December Social on December 13 from 7-10pm at the DoubleTree RTP at 2515 Meridian Parkway, Durham, North Carolina. This special meeting is sponsored by Google.

Please RSVP by December 7 at http://www.trilug.org/wiki/TriLUG_December_Social_2007 if you plan to attend.

The December Social is a break from the regular TriLUG schedule of technical presentations and is purely a social and networking event meant to bring interested people from different areas of the Triangle tech & business scenes together.

This will also be the site and time for our annual food drive - see http://trilug.org/2007fooddrive for more info.

We are inviting several area user groups, computer science departments, and anyone with an interest in Linux, Open Source Software and related subjects. If you are a developer, sysadmin, tech entrepreneur, tech blogger, journalist, open-source hacker, or like hanging out with these types of people, you are invited. If you're not a techie, but interested in networking, you're still invited!

Pizza and various beverages will be available. ID required to partake of alcohol.

You can bring a laptop for an impromptu LAN party. You can play bzflag with the Triangle's best. You can live-blog the event, twitter, or whatever your heart desires.

Please add your name to the wiki page at http://www.trilug.org/wiki/TriLUG_December_Social_2007 if you plan to attend, as this will help us ensure that we have sufficient food, beverages, and Google schwag for everyone.

See you there!

TriLUG Meeting - November 8, 2007 - Digital Identity from LDAP to SAML and beyond


The November 2007 meeting of the Triangle Linux Users Group, sponsored by Sun Microsystems, will be held Thursday, November 8, 2007 at Red Hat. Directions can be found here. Pat Patterson from Sun Microsystems will provide us with a developer perspective on digital identity, starting from the emergence of LDAP in the 90s, through single sign-on, SAML and the Liberty Alliance protocols to recent developments such as OpenID, Cardspace and OAuth. The emphasis will be on understanding the protocols and how they are implemented in the real world, with a particular focus on deciding which (if any!) approach to select for a given project.

Pat Patterson is a federation architect at Sun Microsystems, focusing on federation, identity-enabled Web services and OpenSSO, Sun's open-source implementation of those technologies. Pat's blog centers on identity-related topics.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning