April 10 Meeting: Ansible


Topic: Ansible Presenter: Joseph Tate When: Thursday, 10th April 2014, 7pm (pizza from 6.45pm) (Re-scheduled from Feb) Where: NC State Engineering Building II Room 1021, Centennial Campus Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free after 5pm Map: Google Maps Sponsor: Ansible, Inc. Video: Youtube (recorded using Webcamstudio) Slides: An Introduction to Ansible

Abstract: Ansible is a powerful remote system management tool like Puppet or Chef for configuration management and like Fabric and Capistrano for application deployment. Ansible can also do system provisioning through modules for various cloud providers. As a hybrid, Ansible is a little more step-wise than a pure configuration management system (which makes it better for deploying software and dealing with multiple system tiers) and more declarative than your typical remote automation framework (which makes it easier to manage dissimilar systems, even systems not originally deployed with Ansible). It has very minimal client requirements and no deployed client agent. Joseph will introduce Ansible for single tasks and highlight some of the built in modules and what you can do with them. Then he will jump into best practices for stringing multiple tasks together into Ansible Playbooks (especially how not to repeat yourself). Finally, he'll tie it all together with Amazon EC2 to show how to fire up spot instances using a base image, configure it with a set of software and configuration, do some work with it, and finally tear it all down.

Bio: Joseph was introduced to Linux while in college in 1998, and while he didn't understand Debian then (and arguably still doesn't), did manage to download RedHat 5.0 onto a bunch of floppies and install it successfully; he then tried never again to look at Windows with varying degrees of failure. He cut his first open source teeth on PHP earning commit access to a couple of modules in 2001, and since has contributed to many other projects. He now contributes most regularly to CherryPy and a couple of pet projects. A long time RPM slinger, he worked for the now defunct rPath from 2005-2009 building system configuration and distro building software. Now he runs the completely virtual infrastructure and continuous testing and build system for a small SaaS startup in California from his evil lairWWbasement. Joseph holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Duke University, served as Publicity Chair of TriLUG from 2004-2006, and has reluctantly been awarded three software patents. He thinks KDE is the best desktop to run multiple terminals in, and VIM is the best editor.

Sponsor: Ansible, Inc "Ansible, Inc is based in Durham NC and provides products and services around the Ansible project, in addition to sponsoring Ansible's development. We're also hiring, check out ansible.com/jobs for details!"

January 9 Meeting: What's new in MySQL 5.6 and Percona Server 5.6


Topic: What's new in MySQL 5.6 and Percona Server 5.6 Presenter: Peter Zaitsev When: Thursday, 9th January 2014, 7pm (pizza from 6.45pm) Where: NC State Engineering Building II Room 1025, Centennial Campus Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free after 5pm Map: Google Maps Video: Internet Archive Slides: MySQL-5.6-and-Percona-Server-5.6.pdf

Abstract: Overview of new features and performance improvements found in MySQL 5.6 and Percona Server 5.6. through practical approach of why does it matter for you and to what production use cases do they benefit.

Bio: Peter managed the High Performance Group within MySQL until 2006, when he founded Percona. Peter has a Master's Degree in Computer Science and is an expert in database kernels, computer hardware, and application scaling.

December 12 Meeting: Holiday Demo & Social Party


Topic: Holiday Demo & Social Party Presenter: You! When: Thursday, December 12, 7pm Where: SplatSpace, 331 W. Main St., Durham, NC Map: http://splatspace.org/location/ RSVP: Signup Form

You are invited to the Triangle Linux Users Group's annual Holiday Demo Party ! Come and socialize with other like minded Free and Open Source enthusiasts from all over the Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill area. We plan to do catering again like last year.

Please RSVP using the above form. This will enable us to budget food and space.

Demos Share your passion by bringing a project or product to show off. As we get more demos we'll try to keep the list up to date!

New Search for MediaWiki Nik Everett Day job is writing a new search for Mediawiki which is pretty cool. Can show it off if anyone cares to see it.

The Privacy-Protecting Tails Linux Distro Sean Alexandre Come try out Tails, a live USB Linux distro aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity. https://tails.boum.org/

LibreOffice Base Demo Jeremy Davis I have built a couple of LibreOffice Base databases I would like to share. One I use weekly to publish the Triangle Area Career Development Newsletter. The DB helps to manage and gather meeting info of our local groups and builds the newsletter formatted with HTML. I have built a nice task tracker to show off as well, which was developed over time at my work place in MS Access but then recreated with LibreOffice Base as a project to compare the two. I will demonstrate valuable timesaving features of the awesome LibreOffice Base program, which comes free with most Linux distros.

Amateur Radio in the Digital Age Kevin Otte Laptops showing software, brochures, interactive discussion, (if internet) remote controlled transceiver

Travis Continuous Integration Michael Hrivnak I will show how TravisCI integrates with GitHub projects

Making PCB's Pete Soper Designing and fabricating PCB's for your Open Hardware projects

Pi AC Remote Ted Pudlik A web app running on the Raspberry Pi that I use to control my living room air conditioner. Extension to multiple rooms is a work in progress!

SpamAway Matt Brown A concept (nothing written yet) for a new approach to fighting spam

RPi rover Nathan Yinger Simple rover with a camera, controlled and viewed by browser

Automated brewery Darren Boss Partially completed automated beer brewing rig. Vessel filling, valve, heat, cooling, pump control are all automated by open source hardware and software.

Nerf mod Cate and Allie Grey Allie will demo her latest nerf mod

Nov 16 Workshop: Crypto Keysigning / TriLUG Infrastructure Workshop


Topic: Crypto Keysigning / TriLUG Infrastructure When: Saturday, November 16, 10am - 4pm Where: Red Hat. 100 E Davie St, Raleigh NC. Parking is free in the building. Map: Google Maps RSVP: Please RSVP using this Form before 10am Friday 15 Nov.

Crypto Key Signing Learn about cryptographic keys and how to sign and verify GPG keys. Some people also want to do CA Cert Assurances. Don't forget to bring multiple forms of ID and you may also want to generate your key prior to the meeting.

TriLUG Infrastructure The TriLUG servers provide all sorts of services to our members. This workshop will continue our effort to update and improve these services. This is open to anyone who would like to learn and participate in maintaining our shared resources.

RSVP & Building Access Everyone should meet in the lobby promptly at 10am, and we'll go upstairs together. Latecomers should check in at the security desk and will be escorted from there.

Important: Red Hat security needs a list of attendees 24 hours in advance. Please RSVP. There may be some wriggle room here, but this is the first time we have tried this venue.

November 14 Meeting: Cryptography and GPG


Topic: Cryptography and GPG Presenter: Sean Alexandre When: Thursday, 14th November 2013, 7pm (pizza from 6.45pm) Where: NC State Engineering Building II Room 1021, Centennial Campus Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free after 5pm Map: Google Maps Video: Hangout OnAir (during the meeting) YouTube Slides: gpg-presentation


Cryptography has been in the news a lot lately. We'll start with a quick overview of some of the major recent headlines, specifically about the NSA's attempts to circumvent and break encryption and what experts are recommending to stay as secure as possible online. This will be followed with a high-level overview of cryptography. We'll look at where it's been made easy to use, and were it's not so easy. Then we will dig into the details of using GPG from the command line, to encrypt documents and to verify software packages.


Sean Alexandre is a Senior Software Developer at SAS Institute, where he's been working on different front-end applications for the past 12 years. Lately his interests have been on Linux and free software, with a focus on distributed systems and defensive security.

Keysigning and Infrastructure Workshop There will be a Keysigning and Infrastructure Workshop on Saturday 16 Nov 2013 if you want to sign keys.

Sponsor: MetLife Global Technology & Operations (GTO) is committed to delivering innovative solutions and infrastructure that help enable MetLife to deliver a world-class customer experience. We focus our global talent and resources on working to exceed customer expectations, while also trying to anticipate their needs. We're working to leapfrog the industry, in a dynamic work environment that fosters creativity, growth and collaboration.

With our new Global Technology hub now under construction in Cary and our team ramping up in the Research Triangle area, MetLife is recruiting world-class technology talent, and is actively hiring a diverse, global and highly skilled workforce.

For more information about MetLife's Global Technology & Operations (GTO) and to learn about open positions that are currently available, visit us online at http://metlifegto.com/

October 10 Meeting: Choosing a secondary DNS server, now with data!


Topic: Choosing a secondary DNS server, now with data! Presenter: Aaron Joyner When: Thursday, 10th October 2013, 7pm (pizza from 6.45pm) Where: NC State Engineering Building II Room 1025, Centennial Campus Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free after 5pm Map: Google Maps Video: YouTube

Abstract: Are you responsible for a DNS domain, perhaps professionally, or a "vanity" domain for your personal email?  Have you given much thought to the DNS resolvers for that domain?  Every domain requires at least one DNS server, and everyone has probably heard that they should have a geographically disparate secondary server to hedge against catastrophic outages (network, building, etc).  Assuming you don’t have the luxury of a globally distributed set of datacenters, where should your secondary DNS server be hosted?  This talk will present one man's quest to answer that question, along with the data used to visualize and understand the available options.  There will also be a brief discussion of how that data was collected, and open source code (in Go, http://golang.org) to do it yourself.

Bio: Aaron S. Joyner is a Sr. Systems Engineer in the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) group at Google. He has been working as a SysAdmin for more than 15 years at companies such as Global Knowledge, Intrex.net, and MWG Biotech. When living in Raleigh, he was actively involved with the Triangle Linux Users Group, serving on the steering committee as SysAdmin in 2004-2005, and giving talks on DNS for NC*SA and TriLUG. Since joining Google in 2005, he has helped to maintain their internal DNS infrastructure and been primarily responsible for designing, implementing, and supporting Google's serial console systems.  For the past ~4 years, he has been leading a team of SREs responsible for supporting production authentication and machine management systems.

Sponsor: About Peak 10 Inc. Peak 10 provides reliable, tailored cloud computing, data center and other information technology (IT) infrastructure solutions and managed services, primarily for mid-market businesses. Customer-centric, responsive and cost-effective, Peak 10 solutions are designed to scale and adapt to customers' changing business needs, enabling them to increase agility, lower costs, improve performance and focus internal resources on their core competencies. Peak 10 holds the Cisco® Cloud Provider Certification with a Cisco Powered Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) designation. Peak 10 is SSAE 16 audited and helps companies meet the requirements of various regulatory compliance acts such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), HIPAA/HITECH, PCI DSS and Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA). For more information, visit www.peak10.com.

NCSU Host: A big thanks to the Office of Information Technology and NCSU for making the room available during Fall Break.

September 12 Meeting: Open Source: the Nanotechnology of the Cloud


Topic: Open Source: the Nanotechnology of the Cloud Presenter: Michael Tiemann When: Thursday, 12th September 2013, 7pm Where: NC State Engineering Building III Room 2207, Centennial Campus Parking: The parking decks and Oval Drive street parking are free after 5pm Map: Google Maps Video: YouTube Slides: PDF

Michael Tiemann started the world's first open source software company, thereby placing the topic of open source into the field of economics.

Ignored for several years, open source has helped to rewrite the rules of economics, and has become an important subject among Nobel laureates. After reviewing 20+ years of Nobel Prize lectures in economics, Tiemann has synthesized a new perspective on the economics of cloud computing and the continued role that open source will play in the development of this new paradigm.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning