January 19 - Hack Night!


LibreGaming night! Tonight we are going to play a few popular open source games together. List:

  • Warsow
  • Minetest
  • Teeworlds

Bring a laptop and we'll see you there.

Or bring one of your personal projects down and hack away! Join your fellow TriLUGers at Caktus Group for an evening of fun tech hackery.

If you can't make it in person, hop on IRC; we'll be hanging out on #trilug-sys on Freenode.

January 12 - RHV


Video: On YouTube

Jeff Spahr gives us an overview and tour of RHV (Red Hat Virtualization), outlining its features and benefits, and finishing up with a demo.

Annual Holiday Party: December 8, 2016


Ring in the end of the year with TriLUG! Our annual Holiday Party is a great time of delicious food, cool demos, and socializing with other FOSS enthusiasts. This year, we're at the Red Hat Annex in downtown Raleigh.

Demos of all kinds are welcome. It can be as simple as a cool piece of software you found on the Net, or as complicated as a 3-D printed electronic Halloween costume. Just let us know in the signup form. And food is provided! The party is being catered by Neomonde, and if you want to bring something else in addition, feel free!

Please fill out the quick sign-up form at the link below so we know how much food to order, and what demo you might have in mind. Thanks!

RSVP here!

November 17 - Hack Night!


@scottlinux will demo deploying Django applications in AWS via ansible as done by his company MetaMetrics of Durham, NC.

Or bring one of your personal projects down and hack away! Join your fellow TriLUGers at Caktus Group for an evening of fun tech hackery.

If you can't make it in person, hop on IRC; we'll be hanging out on #trilug-sys on Freenode.

November 10 - Software Defined Radio


Slides: Here

Scott Hall will kick us off with some of the background and history of Software Defined Radio, and give us an overview of the technical theory behind it. After that, he'll launch into some of the common implementations and cover practical concerns.

Once we've got a bit of technical grounding in the subject, Phil Rhodes will step in with a live demo of some of the hardware and software involved with SDR.

After that, we will open the floor to let others give it a shot, or demonstrate their own SDR equipment. So bring your own SDR dongle on down and play!

About Scott Hall: I have been interested in electronics and radio since a child (first ham-license when I was 9). I apprenticed & journeymaned to a professional broadcast engineer in high-school going into college, and at the same time building and using computers and software. After getting degrees in both hardware and software engineering, I have careered mostly in Software Development with forays into Embedded Engineering. My first experience in Software Defined Radio was using some DSP's and ham-radio gear back in the 1990's.

October 13 - Professional Audio-Video Production on Linux


Recording: YouTube

Summary From concept to finished product, it has never been easier to obtain professional results when it comes to audio-video production on Linux.

We will cover some of the hardware that should be part of your production suite, from microphones to jog wheels and highlight some of the top tools for animation, audio, broadcasting, effects, modeling, music, transcoding and video. We will also go beyond the usual suspects and introduce some tools that might not be typically used for AV production.

By the end of the presentation, you will have all the tools you need to improve the quality of your communications, for your personal enjoyment, your career, or your business.

Bio Francois Dion is the founder of Dion Research and a data scientist at Inmar. He has worked at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, at Videotron (Quebecor), is the resident AV expert for Made From Scratch Photography and he hosts the podcast “Something For Your Mind”. He also contributes to open source, and is a regular speaker at Linux and Python conferences and meetups.

September 15 - Hack Night!


We're coming into the homestretch with Moya. We want to get the Pilot VM running and validated in preparation for swapping Moya in for Pilot. Come on down and help! Everyone welcome!

Or bring one of your personal projects down and hack away! Join your fellow TriLUGers at Caktus Group for an evening of fun tech hackery.

If you can't make it in person, hop on IRC; we'll be hanging out on #trilug-sys on Freenode.

September 8 - Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Linux Engineers


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy7Dg2vr2VU

Summary This session will introduce Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Linux engineers. During this one and half hour session, we will build a web scale application from the ground up on AWS. We will begin with an introduction to Amazon Linux. Then we will examine a few options to deploy and configure an application in the Cloud. Next we will add a load balancer and auto scaling to dynamically add and remove capacity in response to load. Finally, we will externalize static content and add a CDN to take load off our application.

Bio Brian Beach is a new TriLUG member who recently relocated the Triangle. He has a Computer Engineering degree from NYU Poly and an MBA from Rutgers University. He has been at AWS for two years and currently manages the Enterprise Support team for the Southeast. Before joining AWS he wrote “Pro PowerShell for Amazon Web Services” published by Apress but we won’t hold that against him.

Sponsor This meeting is generously sponsored by Amazon Web Services. Please thank them for their support!

Location Huge thanks to Robert Sherwood for reserving the RTP Frontier meeting space. In return for his good deed, let's be sure to highly recommend Oak City Technology to anyone interested in web design! http://www.oakcitytechnology.com/


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning