July 15 - CI/CD, Kubernetes, and TriLUG roadmap


Topic: CI/CD, Kubernetes and TriLUG roadmap
Presenter: Jeff Moore
When: Thursday, 15 July 2021 - 7:00 to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will not be Recorded
Speaker notes:
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/277525276

Jeff Moore will casually explore some automation efforts using ArgoCD/GHA for CI/CD on Kubernetes and revisit topics of interest for future meetings!

Steering Committee
The community has voted and we have our new committee! - Chair: Jeff Moore - Vice Chair: Matt Flyer - Treasurer: Brian McCullough

We are still looking for the following Steering Committee positions: - PR Officer - SysAdmin Please reach out to steering@trilug.org after reading about the roles at https://trilug.org/about-steering/ if you are interested.

Meeting Link
The meeting link is https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG.
This is a change from the previous format of https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG. After much confusion, this link has been simplified for the sake of simplicity. Someone from the Steering Committee will be in the meeting matching the previous format for those who accidentally go there instead.
If prompted, the meeting password is TriLUG.

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June 10 - Elections and the Next Year of TriLUG


Topic: Elections and the Next Year of TriLUG
Presenter: Steering Committee
When: Thursday, 10 June 2021 - 7:00 to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will not be Recorded
Speaker notes:
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/277525260/


As hinted at during last month’s meeting, this month is TriLUG Steering Committee elections! All positions are up for grabs and we currently have more candidates than positions, so feel free to volunteer to help! There is a Google Form at https://forms.gle/XUNqwj9iYzGWGKLP6. During the meeting, we will go down the list of Steering positions and have candidates volunteer for the position, in the event of multiple people attempting to volunteer for the same position, we will take a vote.

In addition to the elections, the current Steering Committee will go over the following, exciting topics relating to TriLUG:

  • Meeting format/consistency for the rest of 2021
  • TriLUG operational roadmap
  • Revamping donations
  • Review of 2021
  • Proposed changes for 2021-2022
  • Current projects


It is about that time of the year when you get to vote on who will lead trilug next! All positions are up to grab and we do need to fill them up!

Candidates! There are 5 positions (https://trilug.org/about-steering/)

Chair - Vice Chair - Treasurer - PR Officer - SysAdmin -

If you want to be a candidate, make sure you can commit the time and effort. Also, it takes a team to make this work.

No Experience Necessary besides a desire to help the trilug community and learn something.

What does the steering committee do?

  • Plan meeting topics and meeting logistics
  • Keep our server-farm-of-one up-to-date and running
  • Solicit donations from sponsors, offer some value in return the drudgery of paperwork (bank, 501(3)c, etc).

Bottom line is it takes a team to make trilug to work. Without it there is no trilug.

Speech or something. I know things are interesting but it would be nice if people knew you existed if you are a candidate. So, how about an announcement and a bit of a bio? Remember: when you don't you end up with someone like me.

Every single position is fair game.


Floor's open after we do voting.

Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG20210610. If prompted, the meeting password is TriLUG.


You can put your bio here!

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

May 13 - Linux Turns 30th


Topic: Linux Turns 30th! And Elections Reminder
Presenter: You!
When: Thursday, 13 May 2021 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will not be Recorded
Speaker notes:
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/277525242/


This is another discussion event to hide that we do not have a speaker lined up. So, we might as well make it interesting. Chaos is welcome.

Linux turns 30 this year! Some of you were not even alive when Tux started waddling about; others can remember where they were working when Linus Tovards got kiked off minix and said "I will create my own 'nix. With hookers... and blackjack!" And 30 years later of shenanigans and kernels, here we are.

There has been a lot of change in the main Linux distro world, with the big three Cannonical, Red Hat, and Suse.... how has it effected you, how are you adapting, what do you see going forward?


Elections are supposed to take place this month but nobody seems excited. So we will postpone it to next month. We do need candidates! Only you can prevent forest fires.

It is about that time of the year when you get to vote to who will lead trilug next! All positions are up to grab and we do need to fill them up! Any current officer who wants to stay for another year needs to be on the ?ballot.?

Because of the COVID-19 thing we will need to look carefully at our bylaws and ignore them: voting will be virtual. Probably something like create a google questionnaire thingie and then put the people there. And then you select all the people you want (maybe an AYE/NAY checkbox?).


Candidates! There are 5 positions (https://trilug.org/about-steering/)

Chair - Vice Chair - Treasurer - PR Officer - SysAdmin -

and we need at least 5 bodies (this is not federal, state, or local elections, so they all have to be alive). Want to be an officer? Nominate yourself. Or nominate someone you like... or not. If you have served and want a change in your position, again, put your name in the hat.

If you want to be a candidate, make sure you can commit the time and effort. Also, it takes a team to make this work.

No Experience Necessary besides a desire to help the trilug community and learn something (something; don't ask me complicate questions). It is actually a great experience; we will help you out.

What does the steering committee do?

  • Plan meeting topics and meeting logistics
  • Keep our server-farm-of-one up-to-date and running
  • Solicit donations from sponsors, offer some value in return the drudgery of paperwork (bank, 501(3)c, etc).

Bottom line is it takes a team to make trilug to work. Without it there is no trilug.

Speech or something. I know things are interesting but it would be nice if people knew you existed if you are a candidate. So, how about an announcement and a bit of a bio? Remember: when you don't you end up with someone like me.

Dates. Since we are still in online mode, this may still be an interesting topic. Officially the elections are on May but we can push it down to June. Also, We can use our meetup page and/or website to post about the candidates.

We do need some way to do the voting. I am open for discussion. I would like to limit the number of dead people voting to a minimum; this is not normal elections but just electing the trilug steering committee.

Every single position is fair game.


Floor's open after we do voting.

Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG20210512 and the password is TriLUG. See you there!


You can put your bio here!

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

April 08 - Learning Lenovo Linux Life


Topic: Learning Lenovo Linux Life
Presenter: Mark Pearson
When: Thursday, 08 April 2021 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Might be Recorded
Speaker notes: PDF
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/275495299/


A while ago Lenovo announced they would be selling laptops with Linux from factory instead of Windows. Having a large computer vendor offering that is a nice boost for Linux as a valid desktop/home OS. But, what does that mean to us? How supported is it? What is the long term plan? How much of the shenanigans required to make it work are placed in open source?

How about if we get some info from the horse's mouth? This thursday our speaker is Mark Pearson from Lenovo, who promised he'll give an overview of what Lenovo is doing with Linux, how they work with the open source community, what is involved with getting Linux supported from their side of the fence, and what is to be expected from a Lenovo Linux platform.

He has been warned to expect stutter-inducing questions, so I am counting on you to write down all your issues anf concerns. Don't disappoint me!

Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG20210408 and the password is TriLUG. See you there!


Mark Pearson is the technical lead for the Lenovo Linux PC team. He has been working with Linux for almost 20 years, mostly on network switches until 18 months ago when he joined the PC team and found out that PCs are significantly more complicated than network switches - he got introduced to a whole new wonderful world of graphics, audio, touchscreen, fingerprint, power management and a myriad other complexities all crammed into an amazingly small space.

His team is responsible for delivering Linux on over 50 platforms - ranging from the tiny m90n, through almost 30 different laptops and up to their desktop and workstation models. They work with multiple distros with a focus on making sure support for their platforms is upstream so any distribution can work.

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March 11 - All Things SUSE


Topic: All Things SUSE
Presenter: Dwain Sims
When: Thursday, 11 March 2021 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes PDF
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/275495250/


Long time Trilug Member, and SUSE employee, Dwain Sims will do a presentation on the topic of "All Things SUSE" at the regular Thursday Februrary 11 TriLug Zoom get-together.

Items on the Agenda

  • Brief (very) History of SUSE
  • Current Products
  • OpenSUSE
  • Directions

Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG20210311 and the password is TriLUG. See you there!

Dwain Sims has been attending TriLug since 2008. He became a Triangle resident in August 2000, relocating with his wife and 3 (now 4) kids from the Bay Area in California. Dwain has a Master's Degree in Computer Science from West Virginia University, and has worked for so many companies that it's getting hard to count them. Among these were Lockheed, Sun Microsystems, SteelEye Technology, Fusion-io, and SanDisk. He started work at SUSE in March 2018. Dwain likes working in the garden and tending the family's massive poultry flock (3 hens) when he's not messing with some techy thing.

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Feb 11 - BPFTrace - Finally Dtrace Replacement for Linux


Topic: BPFTrace - Finally Dtrace Replacement for Linux
Presenter: Peter Zaitsev
When: Thursday, 11 February 2021 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes PDF
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/275495240/


While eBPF was included in Linux kernel for quite a few years, we lacked a good "frontend" to complete Dtrace functionality in the Linux ecosystem. In this presentation, we will look into BPFTrace as a capable Dtrace replacement. We will also show how you can develop your own tools and utilities using BPFTrace as well as how you can use the tools from BPFTrace collection to get great insights into Linux Operations.

Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG20210211 and the password is TriLUG. See you there!


Peter Zaitsev is CEO and co-founder of Percona. As one of the foremost experts on MySQL strategy and optimization, Peter leveraged both his technical vision and entrepreneurial skills to grow Percona from a two-person shop to one of the most respected open source companies in the business. A serial entrepreneur, Peter co-founded his first startup while attending Moscow State University where he majored in Computer Science. Peter is a co-author of High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication, one of the most popular books on MySQL performance. Peter frequently speaks as an expert lecturer at Open Source Databases and related conferences. He has also been tapped as a contributor to Fortune and DZone.

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January 14 - Working Remotely


Topic:Adventures in Working Remotely
Presenter: Brave & Opinionated TriLUG Members
When: Thursday, 14 January 2021 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/275495209


We start 2021 with yet another virtual meeting; it seems this will be the trend for a while. I hope everyone managed to adapt to the new normal.

How about we begin the year with talking about what we have to do to stay productive and sane in 2020? Which tools did you use, and which ones worked? Are you working remotely? How much of a shift or accomodation you had to do?

Think of what you can say to those (trilug members) who are still struggling in this new environment of masks (some of which are more like nose or chin supports) and remote work. If you have questions, from technical to privacy to social, bring them in!

There will be no pizza.

Meeting Link


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Dec 12 - December Science Fair


Topic: December Science Fair
Presenter: TriLUG
When: Thursday, 10 December 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/267709100

It’s that time of year again - the December Science Fair! Come show off the projects you’ve been working on!

Feel free to sign up at https://forms.gle/3ZMwSoko2GYxZ72u5 so the steering committee can have a rough idea of the number of presentations.

As usual, we will use Jitsi as our meeting platform.

Within the linked form is a question soliciting speakers for next year. If you are interested, either reach out to the steering committee (steering@trilug.org) or answer the last question on the questionnaire and a member from the steering committee will reach out with details on scheduling and other details. All levels of topics are welcome, but it is worth noting that the most reception is received from introductory-mid level talks.

Some time after Thursday and before the end of the year, a survey will be sent asking what kind of content, you, the members want to see. We will use that data to make sure we go in the right direction in 2021.

Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG121020 and the password is TriLUG. See you there!

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning