June 10 - Elections and the Next Year of TriLUG
2021-06-09Topic: Elections and the Next Year of TriLUG
Presenter: Steering Committee
When: Thursday, 10 June 2021 - 7:00 to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Video: Will not be Recorded
Speaker notes:
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/trilug/events/277525260/
As hinted at during last month’s meeting, this month is TriLUG Steering Committee elections! All positions are up for grabs and we currently have more candidates than positions, so feel free to volunteer to help! There is a Google Form at https://forms.gle/XUNqwj9iYzGWGKLP6. During the meeting, we will go down the list of Steering positions and have candidates volunteer for the position, in the event of multiple people attempting to volunteer for the same position, we will take a vote.
In addition to the elections, the current Steering Committee will go over the following, exciting topics relating to TriLUG:
- Meeting format/consistency for the rest of 2021
- TriLUG operational roadmap
- Revamping donations
- Review of 2021
- Proposed changes for 2021-2022
- Current projects
It is about that time of the year when you get to vote on who will lead trilug next! All positions are up to grab and we do need to fill them up!
Candidates! There are 5 positions (https://trilug.org/about-steering/)
Chair - Vice Chair - Treasurer - PR Officer - SysAdmin -
If you want to be a candidate, make sure you can commit the time and effort. Also, it takes a team to make this work.
No Experience Necessary besides a desire to help the trilug community and learn something.
What does the steering committee do?
- Plan meeting topics and meeting logistics
- Keep our server-farm-of-one up-to-date and running
- Solicit donations from sponsors, offer some value in return the drudgery of paperwork (bank, 501(3)c, etc).
Bottom line is it takes a team to make trilug to work. Without it there is no trilug.
Speech or something. I know things are interesting but it would be nice if people knew you existed if you are a candidate. So, how about an announcement and a bit of a bio? Remember: when you don't you end up with someone like me.
Every single position is fair game.
Floor's open after we do voting.
Meeting Link
https://meet.jit.si/TriLUG20210610. If prompted, the meeting password is TriLUG.
You can put your bio here!
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