Annual Holiday Party: December 10, 2015


Ring in the end of the year with TriLUG! Our annual Holiday Party is a great time of delicious food, cool demos, and socializing with other FOSS enthusiasts. This year, we're at the Red Hat Annex in downtown Raleigh.

Demos of all kinds are welcome. It can be as simple as a cool piece of software you found on the Net, or as complicated as a 3-D printed electronic Halloween costume. Just let us know in the signup form. And food is provided! The party is being catered by Neomonde, and if you want to bring something else in addition, feel free!

We need to let Red Hat know our guest list by 5 PM on Wednesday, December 9. Use this form to RSVP.

November 19: Hack Night!


After months of hard work and phone tag by TriLUG sysadmins and volunteers, our new server, Moya, has been racked and installed in temporary housing! (Thanks to MetaMetrics for providing the space!) Our mission tonight is to stand up additional VM's and develop procedures and documentation for managing them.

We will plan and coordinate our efforts in advance on the #trilug-sys IRC channel, on

Meeting November 12: Sanoid - Hyperconverged Infrastructure


This meeting is sponsored by TEKsystems, a leading provider of IT staffing, IT talent management and IT services.


Synopsis Ever seen a machine reboot – desktop, to BIOS, to desktop again – in 1.5 seconds? Ever seen multiple terabytes of data backed up offsite over a residental internet connection in under an hour? Combine the ZFS filesystem and the Linux Kernel Virtual Machine, and you can do exactly that, and more.

Sanoid is a policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS filesystems, intended to leverage KVM and ZFS to make your systems functionally immortal. We'll talk about what, how, and why.

Bio Jim Salter (@jrssnet) is an author, public speaker, mercenary sysadmin, and father of three—not necessarily in that order. He got his first real taste of open source by running Apache on his very own dedicated FreeBSD 3.1 server back in 1999, and he's been a fierce advocate of FOSS ever since. He's the author of the Sanoid hyperconverged infrastructure project. And previously, he's contributed to Ars Technica on everything from NAS distribution tools to next-gen filesystems.

Ada Lovelace Day Celebration


TriLUG is teaming up with Splat Space to celebrate the legacy of Ada Lovelace, the first programmer, and inspire the next generation of technology innovators. Come join us for a family friendly night of trivia and tech demos.

Meeting October 8: Crowd Documentation: How Programmer Social Communities Are Flipping Software Development


Video: YouTube

Synopsis Software companies, such as Microsoft, create documentation for millions of topics concerning its APIs, services, and software platforms. Creating this documentation comes at a considerable cost and effort. Now, developers are flipping this process by creating their own sources of documentation via blog posts and Stack Overflow questions and answers. For Android, not only can more examples be found on Stack Overflow than the official documentation guide, developers may be getting as much as 50% of their documentation from Stack Overflow. How might the crowd find other ways of flipping the processes of software development?

Bio Chris Parnin is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research spans the study of software engineering from empirical, HCI, and cognitive neuroscience perspectives. Two recent research topics include A) using fMRI and EMG to actually study the brain activity of developers and B) understanding how crowds of developers come together on sites such as Stack Overflow and Github to contribute software knowledge. He has worked in Human Interactions in Programming groups at Microsoft Research, performed field studies with ABB Research, and has over a decade of professional programming experience in the defense industry. Chris's research has been recognized by the SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2009, Best Paper Nominee at CHI 2010, Best Paper Award at ICPC 2012, IBM HVC Most Influential Paper Award 2013, featured in Game Developer's Magazine, Hacker Monthly, and frequently discussed on Hacker News, Reddit, and Slashdot.

Hack Night September 17: Configure The New Server!


After months of hard work and phone tag by TriLUG sysadmins and volunteers, our new server, Moya, has been racked and installed in temporary housing! (Thanks to MetaMetrics for providing the space!) Our mission tonight is to set up basic virtualization infrastructure to run the next generation of TriLUG services, and to stand up a replica of our current server, Pilot, to assist in porting services over.

We will plan and coordinate our efforts in advance on the #trilug-sys IRC channel, on

Meeting September 10: Use FOSS to Get a Job


Video: YouTube

Tonight's meeting is sponsored by All Things Open, a conference exploring open source, open tech, and the open Web in the enterprise. All Things Open will be held October 19th & 20th in the Raleigh Convention Center.

Synopsis Using free and open source software, and participating in the associated communities, can make you more employable! This presentation will cover how to get started as a community participant and how to gain résumé-enhancing experience. Special guests representing a variety of local organizations will then join us for an interactive discussion about hiring trends, which FOSS skills make a candidate stand out, and any questions you may have for someone directly responsible for hiring FOSS-experienced engineers.

Bio Michael Hrivnak, the presenter and panel facilitator, is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and Team Lead for the Pulp Project. With strong experience in both software and systems engineering, he is excited to be writing software for systems engineers. Michael is passionate about open source software, live music, and reducing energy consumption.

(Image by Moini on Openclipart)

August 20 Workshop and Hack Night


Topic: Workshop on Containers and TriLUG Infrastructure When: Thursday, 20th August 2015, 7pm - 9pm Where: Bandwidth, Venture III, 900 Main Campus Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606; and #trilug-sys on freenode Parking: Venture Center Deck, adjacent to Venture III on Venture Center Way (visitor spaces are unrestricted after 5pm) Map: Google Maps

Work on a personal project, hone your skills, or try something you learned about at a recent meeting. While you're at it, help us maintain the TriLUG infrastructure.

This month we'll be mostly playing with personal projects while we look forward to our new server coming online. Come on down and hack on something fun, or play around with Docker, maybe containerize a favorite application.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning