Recruiters please note: If you are here to request a mailing list posting about a job:
- The best way to present jobs is to come to our meeting and participate in our "Have-a-Job/Need-a-Job" segment. This segment allows any person with an opening or any person seeking a job to stand up in front of the entire group and talk for a few minutes. See the for info about the next meeting.
- If you can not attend a meeting, the next-best way is to join the main discussion mailing list and post your job to the list. Please put the word "JOB" in the subject. Note: we monitor posts to the list. Recruiters who post irrelevant job postings or who "spam" the list with a lot of posts will be "moderated" or removed from the mailing list.
If you have something that you would like to bring to the attention of the Steering Committee, fill in the form below. This is not the place to post job openings. This form sends an email directly to the five steering committee members.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 37874
Raleigh, NC 27627