Dec 12 - December Science Fair
2020-12-09Topic: December Science Fair
Presenter: TriLUG
When: Thursday, 10 December 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A
It’s that time of year again - the December Science Fair! Come show off the projects you’ve been working on!
Feel free to sign up at so the steering committee can have a rough idea of the number of presentations.
As usual, we will use Jitsi as our meeting platform.
Within the linked form is a question soliciting speakers for next year. If you are interested, either reach out to the steering committee ( or answer the last question on the questionnaire and a member from the steering committee will reach out with details on scheduling and other details. All levels of topics are welcome, but it is worth noting that the most reception is received from introductory-mid level talks.
Some time after Thursday and before the end of the year, a survey will be sent asking what kind of content, you, the members want to see. We will use that data to make sure we go in the right direction in 2021.
Meeting Link and the password is TriLUG. See you there!
TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!