Dec 12 - December Science Fair


Topic: December Science Fair
Presenter: TriLUG
When: Thursday, 10 December 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A

It’s that time of year again - the December Science Fair! Come show off the projects you’ve been working on!

Feel free to sign up at so the steering committee can have a rough idea of the number of presentations.

As usual, we will use Jitsi as our meeting platform.

Within the linked form is a question soliciting speakers for next year. If you are interested, either reach out to the steering committee ( or answer the last question on the questionnaire and a member from the steering committee will reach out with details on scheduling and other details. All levels of topics are welcome, but it is worth noting that the most reception is received from introductory-mid level talks.

Some time after Thursday and before the end of the year, a survey will be sent asking what kind of content, you, the members want to see. We will use that data to make sure we go in the right direction in 2021.

Meeting Link and the password is TriLUG. See you there!

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

Oct 8 - Kubernetes App Development from the Ground Up


Topic: Kubernetes App Development from the Ground Up
Presenter: Jeff Moore
When: Thursday, 8 October 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A

How can one take an idea all the way to deployment on Kubernetes? Come see! In this presentation, Jeff Moore, Vice Chair of TriLUG, will walk you through the process of building and deploying a Kubernetes-native web app. Slides and code will be shared afterwards.

Meeting Link and the password is TriLUG. See you there!

Jeff Moore works at Bandwidth with a focus on operations and extensions of Kubernetes, AWS, and the Elastic Stack.

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

Sep 10 - CIAB Full Mesh VPN Internet Overlay


Topic: CIAB Full Mesh VPN Internet Overlay
Presenter: Brian Mullan
When: Thursday, 10 September 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A

Brian will show off his Cloud-In-A-Box Full Mesh VPN Internet Overlay project, which has a goal of securing communications between multiple networks by leveraging LXD, Wireguard, VXLAN and other popular technologies

Meeting Link and the password is TriLUG. See you there!


Brian Mullan has over 20 years of experience in the Cisco ecosystem and has worked with LXD containers, Gaucamole (Apache flavor), and various cloud-orchestration platforms like OpenStack.

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

Aug 13 - Bash tips and tricks And Sysadmin election


Topic: Bash tips and tricks
Presenter: Jonathan Mainguy
When: Thursday, 14 May 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online
Parking: Virtual
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A


This will be a virtual meeting only. Link to be posted on before the meeting.

We will begin with a quick election for the Sysadmin position on the steering committee. If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else. Please reach out to the steering committee via, or the general mailing list

Currently we have one nominee.

Matt Flyer: "I've been a Linux user for 15'ish odd years now, and really started getting into it with some laptops back in the days of Ubuntu 7 and Fedora 9. Over the years, I have run public facing servers for my own use, largely for email (postfix + dovecot), music streaming, and a local Xenforo forum. I also maintain a couple of Linux servers here at work that are used for a reporting web server.

I have experimented with and used a number of distributions including, Ubuntu, Centos, Arch, Gentoo, and Slackware. I am comfortable and fluent using a shell interface.

While I sometimes do require some tech support assistance, one of the things that this group excels at, I am used to solving problems in those instances where it doesn't "just work"."

After the election. Jonathan Mainguy will give a talk showing off tips and tricks in bash he has learned during his career.

Meeting Link and the password is hunter2. See you there!


Jonathan Mainguy is the current Trilug Chair.

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

July 09 - Elections and maybe something else


Topic: Elections and maybe something else
Presenter: Nobody
When: Thursday, 09 July 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online, Jitsi
Parking: Wherever you go, there you are
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A


As announced last month and on the trilug list, today we will be having the steering committee election. All positions are up to grab and we do need to fill them up!

Because of the COVID-19 thing we will need to look carefully at our bylaws and ignore them: voting will be virtual. Probably something like create a google questionnaire thingie and then put the people there. And then you select all the people you want (maybe an AYE/NAY checkbox?).

As you can guess by now, we will be doing this as we go: so far we have 2 people applying but have 5 positions. I do not think there will be much fighting for positions, but we do need to document the election.

Jitsi link will be provided later.


  1. Candidates! There are 5 positions ( and we need at least 5 bodies (this is not federal, state, or local elections, so they all have to be alive). Want to be an officer? Nominate yourself. Or nominate someone you like... or not. If you have served and want a change in your position, again.

If you want to be a candidate, make sure you can commit the time and effort. Also, it takes a team to make this work.

No Experience Necessary besides a desire to help the trilug community and learn something (something; don't ask me complicate questions). It is actually a great experience; we will help you out.

What does the steering committee do?

  • plan meeting topics and meeting logistics
  • keep our server-farm-of-one up-to-date and running
  • solicit donations from sponsors, offer some value in return
  • the drudgery of paperwork (bank, 501(3)c, etc).

Bottom line is it takes a team to make trilug to work. Without it there is no trilug.

  1. Speech or something. I know things are interesting but it would be nice if people knew you existed if you are a candidate. Remember: when you don't you end up with someone like me.

  2. Dates. Since we are still in online mode, let's shoot for election in July. We can use our meetup page and/or website to post about the candidates.

  3. Some way to do the voting. I am open for discussion. I would like to limit the number of dead people voting to a minimum; this is not normal politics but just electing the trilug steering committee.

Every single position is fair game.


Floor's open after we do voting. If you want to



TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

June 11 - No meeting


Topic: No meeting But Elections are coming!
Presenter: Nobody
When: Thursday, 11 June 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online
Parking: Wherever you go, there you are
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A



We did not come up with a speaker for this month and there is no trilug office available during the meeting time to host it. I myself am in a meeting with a vendor which might still be going at 6pm. So, I guess we need to can the meeting for this month,


We may be having an online event this month; more on that as we know.


Per our bylaws, we were supposed to have run elections for the trilug steering committee in May. But COVID-19 happened. Well, we do need to get that going.

We want to run the election during July's meeting.


  1. Candidates! There are 5 positions ( and we need at least 5 bodies (this is not federal, state, or local elections, so they all have to be alive). Want to be an officer? Nominate yourself. Or nominate someone you like... or not. If you have served and want a change in your position, again.

If you want to be a candidate, make sure you can commit the time and effort. Also, it takes a team to make this work.

What does the steering committee do?

  • plan meeting topics and meeting logistics
  • keep our server-farm-of-one up-to-date and running
  • solicit donations from sponsors, offer some value in return
  • the drudgery of paperwork (bank, 501(3)c, etc)

Bottom line is it takes a team to make trilug to work. Without it there is no trilug.

  1. Speech or something. I know things are interesting but it would be nice if people knew you existed if you are a candidate. Remember: when you don't you end up with someone like me.

  2. Dates. Since we are still in online mode, let's shoot for election in July. We can use our meetup page and/or website to post about the candidates.

  3. Some way to do the voting. I am open for discussion. I would like to limit the number of dead people voting to a minimum; this is not normal politics but just electing the trilug steering committee.

Every single position is fair game.



TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

May 14 - Systemd and Home dir


Topic: Systemd and Homedir: an Open Debate using (hopefully) Jitsi
Presenter: Brave & Opinionated TriLUG Members
When: Thursday, 14 May 2020 - 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Where: Online
Parking: Wherever you go, there you are
Map: Video: Will Not be Recorded
Speaker notes N/A


It seems people have lots of opinions about the proposed home directory management that is being pushed by the systemd crowd.

And I want to try jitsi out.

So how about we put them together and make that this month's meeting? Bring your opinions, and maybe even a quick demo or websites or slides to support your claim.

I expect this discussion to be heated with a possible side of disconnection. I would like to see what it takes for it to go boink. So I can see if we can avoid using zoom (I can make it happen through my work but I do want solutions that are tied down to trilug not to a trilug officer).

Who is interested? Expect people who are not aware of those differences to be in the call, so you better do a good job arguing your point in a way others will understand. If you want an opportunity to drag more people to your camp, this is the day.

You have a week to prepare your notes, wash your battle shorts, and clean your microphone. If your cat decides to walk over your keyboard while you try to run your demo, so much the better.

Oh, we will also be on irc and monitoring meetup in case jitsi crashes horribly; I will have zoom on standby.


dd Here are links to some presentations and websites referred to during the talk:

Links to upcoming events mentioned in the meeting

TriLUG Members Like YOU! Thank you!

March 13 - Coronavirus and TriLUG


Topic:Coronavirus and TriLUG
Presenter: COVID-19
When: NOW
Where: HERE
Parking: Way over there
Map: Google Maps will get you close, but use the NCSU College of Textiles link for proper directions to building
Speaker notes


  As you have noticed, things have been getting interesting due to the COVID-19. 

To name a few since I type slowly,

  • UNC in Chapel Hill has prohibited gatherings with more than 50 people. Regardless of the wording, it has been interpreted by many as faculty, staff, or student are not to be somewhere with more than that magic number.
  • NCSU has a similar rule but with its limit raised to 100 people.
  • The governor of NC ordered the IEEE SoutheastCon 2020 closed yesterday. I do not know what the few speakers and participants who have flown to Raleigh will do until they are scheduled to fly back.
  • Classes have been cancelled, Spring Break "extended", and online classes replacing physical ones planned.
  • Our own March meeting at the School of Textile was cancelled, with emails sent about the cancellation from both the mailing list and meetup with a link for a virtual meeting instead.

So, how does that affect the TriLUG? Well. let's avoid using weasel words:

All of our live events are cancelled until further notice.

That includes at the very least the planned Kubernetes class in the end of the month and next month's meeting. Hopefully by then the weather would have warmed enough so the virus' grasp will have subsided. Of course the mailing list and irc channel will still be available; they are susceptible to other kinds of infection.

Be prepared for other conferences and events to be cancelled.

I am not going to do the standard "we will be judiciously monitoring the statues of the coronavirus" message since you can keep track of it on your own as well as we do. With that said, if you have questions do ask us. Worse case scenario is we will say we do not know the answer.

And stock on food and water, for you can only eat so much toilet paper.


COVID-19 a.k.a. the corona virus is not related to a Mexican beer of similar name.



The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning