November 11 meeting - Open Source Software for Musicians


Have you ever wanted to use your computer to record or play music?

In the old days, it took a studio full of equipment to produce and record music. But now, the required tools are much more affordable, and can easily fit into a home studio. There is a wide selection of very robust audio applications that run on standard PC hardware, and many of them are FREE ("free" as in "beer" -- but also as in "freedom").

Adam Drew has been playing and recording music on and with computers for 15 years. He was introduced to free and open source software when he went to work at Red Hat, where he does filesystem and cluster support.

Adam will show how anyone can use Linux-based software to produce studio-quality music. We'll look at what tools are available, how they work together, and we'll see and hear them in action. We'll also learn a bit about what community resources are available for learning more about the tools and technology so that you can get plugged in and start making music at home and get your questions answered when they come up.

Come join us for a lively toe-tapping demonstration!


Adam invites you to take a look at (and edit) his audio knowledgebase at . And if you need to reach him personally, send him an email at .

We would also like to thank our meeting sponsor, Uzoma Nwosu from the Signal Foundation (

UPDATE: An audio recording of this presentation can be accessed at:

Also, a text copy of Jym Williams Zavada's meeting notes can be had at:

October 14 meeting - Apache ModSecurity


Time & Place: October 14, 2010, 7pm, at Red Hat HQ

Title: Introduction to ModSecurity, the Open Source Web Application Firewall

About this talk:

So your web server listens on port 80 and your firewall blocks most everything else. Secure, right? How about that port 80? Do you trust your application code? Is your server patched? Are your developers really more clever than the folks who want to break in? Is security even on the mind of your developers?

Our traditional firewalls (packet filters) may have narrowed the field to HTTP, but crackers and worms have responded by refocusing their efforts directly at HTTP. Worse yet, most packet filters think all HTTP requests look legitimate. What's your next line of defense?

This presentation introduces ModSecurity, a web application firewall (WAF). ModSecurity is open source, mature, stable, flexible, and updated frequently. It can run embedded in Apache or as a reverse proxy in front of any traditional web server. It is highly discriminating and it definitely understands HTTP at a deeper level than your packet filter.

Come learn how to get started with ModSecurity. You'll be glad that you did.

About the presenter:

Cristóbal Palmer, a long-time member of the TriLUG Steering Committee, just finished his MSIS at UNC Chapel Hill, where he is a Systems Administrator with He also works with Caktus Consulting Group, a local django development shop.

September 9 meeting: High Altitude Balloon Flights to Near Space


High Altitude Balloon Flights to Near Space Presented by Jonathan R. Trappe & Tanner Lovelace

Recently, several LUG members competed in a challenge to gather pictures of the curved horizon of the Earth from near-space... not with rockets and elaborate gear, but on the cheap, using a balloon and consumer-grade equipment.

Jonathan Trappe and long-time LUG member Tanner Lovelace will talk about the challenge rules, and how the team assembled and weighed ideas quickly, launching their balloon after just three weeks of planning. Then we'll hear how things did not quite go as planned, but how these quick-thinking geeks recovered to achieve their goal.

After the launch and recovery of their high-altitude balloon, this team was featured on WRAL, NPR news, and on the front page of the News & Observer! But NOW, they're hitting the big time -- speaking at a TriLUG meeting!

August 12 meeting: Getting Started with IPv6


The IPv4 address space is running out, and the future has arrived. IPv6 is the new standard for the Internet, and the time to adopt it is now.

Long time TriLUG member Kevin Otte is a Linux Systems Administrator and a Network Engineer, and he has more IP addresses in his home than some countries have.

Come hear Kevin give us not only the "what it is" and "the end is nigh" parts of the IPv6 puzzle, but also the "how can I tinker with it" and "why would I want to" parts, as well.

Meeting logistics on the wiki.

July 8 meeting: Why Linux Is Bad For Business


We all love free software. We think it should be used everywhere, right? And that means Linux... Linux everywhere, right?

Not always. Actually, there are times when Linux is not such a great fit for the task. There are other solutions...

Wesley Shields will be telling us about his favorite open source project, and how it can be a good fit for companies that need a Unix solution. He'll tell us what's similar to Linux, what's different, and why companies might care.

Wes is a Senior Information Security Engineer for a government contractor. He spends his days in the trenches fighting the APT and his nights poking at FreeBSD with a stick. His interests include C code, network traffic and general mischief and shenanigans.

June 10 meeting: Lightning Talks


6/10 7pm, Red Hat HQ

This month, YOU are the speaker!

Got something interesting that you'd like to share? can't wait for BarCamp? We're hosting our own mini "unconference" style meeting, where members of the audience will be given 5-10 minutes to present an idea or open source tool.

To get an idea of what folks have in mind, see the wiki page here -> Meeting:2010_June_10

Vote for your favorite presentation... the winner gets a prize (TBA).

May 13 Meeting: Puppetize It!


Join us and Mike Seda at Red Hat HQ, May 13th, 7pm

Mike Seda, CEO and IT Consultant at Seda Systems, Inc., will introduce us to Puppet, an Open Source Data Center Automation and Configuration Management framework.

Puppet, is an extremely powerful System Administration tool. This presentation will demonstrate the value in "Puppetizing" both system and application tasks that were originally performed only by hand or via home-grown scripts.

Mike Seda has years of System Administration experience in Research and Enterprise Computing environments. The niche skills that he accrued during this time were (and still are) deemed extremely rare and valuable in the IT industry. One such skill is Puppet, which he has been using to automate tasks for businesses of all sizes since 2008.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning