2007 Annual Food Drive at the December Social


We will be conducting the annual food drive for Raleigh Rescue Mission at the December Social, so bring:

  • Canned corn, peas, carrots, soups, veg-all, applesauce, oranges, baked beans, chili beans, cranberry sauce
  • Jars of apple sauce, baby food, pasta sauce
  • Dry goods such as instant mashed potatoes, dried soups, stuffing, oatmeal, cereal, crackers, baby formula, pasta, mac & cheese
  • Plastic bottles or other containers of non-perishable juice

or any other non-perishables you care to donate to the meeting and we will haul them to RRM.


TriLUG December Social, sponsored by Google


The Triangle Linux Users Group will be holding it's annual December Social on December 13 from 7-10pm at the DoubleTree RTP at 2515 Meridian Parkway, Durham, North Carolina. This special meeting is sponsored by Google.

Please RSVP by December 7 at http://www.trilug.org/wiki/TriLUG_December_Social_2007 if you plan to attend.

The December Social is a break from the regular TriLUG schedule of technical presentations and is purely a social and networking event meant to bring interested people from different areas of the Triangle tech & business scenes together.

This will also be the site and time for our annual food drive - see http://trilug.org/2007fooddrive for more info.

We are inviting several area user groups, computer science departments, and anyone with an interest in Linux, Open Source Software and related subjects. If you are a developer, sysadmin, tech entrepreneur, tech blogger, journalist, open-source hacker, or like hanging out with these types of people, you are invited. If you're not a techie, but interested in networking, you're still invited!

Pizza and various beverages will be available. ID required to partake of alcohol.

You can bring a laptop for an impromptu LAN party. You can play bzflag with the Triangle's best. You can live-blog the event, twitter, or whatever your heart desires.

Please add your name to the wiki page at http://www.trilug.org/wiki/TriLUG_December_Social_2007 if you plan to attend, as this will help us ensure that we have sufficient food, beverages, and Google schwag for everyone.

See you there!

TriLUG Meeting - November 8, 2007 - Digital Identity from LDAP to SAML and beyond


The November 2007 meeting of the Triangle Linux Users Group, sponsored by Sun Microsystems, will be held Thursday, November 8, 2007 at Red Hat. Directions can be found here. Pat Patterson from Sun Microsystems will provide us with a developer perspective on digital identity, starting from the emergence of LDAP in the 90s, through single sign-on, SAML and the Liberty Alliance protocols to recent developments such as OpenID, Cardspace and OAuth. The emphasis will be on understanding the protocols and how they are implemented in the real world, with a particular focus on deciding which (if any!) approach to select for a given project.

Pat Patterson is a federation architect at Sun Microsystems, focusing on federation, identity-enabled Web services and OpenSSO, Sun's open-source implementation of those technologies. Pat's blog centers on identity-related topics.

TriLUG Meeting - Oct 11, 2007 - Jon Cox on Alfresco


The October 2007 meeting of the Triangle Linux Users Group will be held Thursday, October 11 at Red Hat. Directions can be found here.

Jon Cox will speak to us about Alfresco, the content management system. Jon Cox is a Principal Architect/Engineer for Alfresco and was previously a principal engineer at Interwoven(r), where he designed and built its object-versioning IPC infrastructure, templating system, and HTTP-based repository virtualization.

This meeting is sponsored by our good friends at FeatureTel. North Carolina's VoIP Telephone Company for Business www.featuretel.com

This meeting begins at 7:00PM and is expected to end by 9:00 PM. As always, refreshments are provided. Questions, comments, and suggestions can be sent to the TriLUG Steering Committee by visiting the Contact Form

September 13, 2007 TriLUG Meeting - Linux Video Editing w/ Joey Carr


The September 2007 meeting of the Triangle Linux Users Group (Sponsored by Zenoss) will be held at 7pm, September 13, at Red Hat on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University (directions) . The talk is on Linux video editing, given by Joey Carr.

The talk will introduce the capabilities of several of the most basic tools in linux video production (kino/dvgrab, cinelerra, ffmpeg, and mencoder). Other tools and multimedia-focused linux distributions will be discussed. A basic production workflow will be demonstrated for video capture via IEEE 1394 (i.e. Firewire), and editing in Kino. Finally, options for DVD authoring will be covered in brief.

Joey previously worked as a Java developer and later as a business analyst for a medical informatics application service provider. He recently returned to UNC to study film and video production in the department of Communication Studies. He is currently working for iBiblio on their video speaker and other projects.

TriLUG-ontopic mailing list


The mailing list TriLUG-ontopic has been created for technical discussion related to Linux and Open Source. This is list is open to any who wish to subscribe. Go to:


TriLUG-ontopic is an unmoderated list, so moderation is left as an exercise for list subscribers. If a situation arises where a subscriber is violating the spirit and theme of the list, but not heeding moderation from others on the list, subscribers may contact the Steering Committee for further review and action.

Enjoy and happy posting!

TriLUG Code of Conduct



2nd Draft.

Members of the TriLUG community need to work together effectively, and this code of conduct lays down the "ground rules" for our cooperation.

Be considerate. - Not all members of the TriLUG community are as knowledgeable as you may be. When answering questions, be polite, helpful and honest.

Be respectful. - Everyone can make a valuable contribution to TriLUG. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It's important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect members of the TriLUG community to be respectful when dealing with others as well as with people outside TriLUG when representing the TriLUG.

Be collaborative. - Linux, Open Source, and Free Software are about collaboration and working together. Collaboration reduces redundancy of work done and improves the quality of our results. You should aim to collaborate with other members of the TriLUG community, as well as members of other organizations within the user group community. Your work should be done transparently and ideas from TriLUG projects should be given back to the community when they are made, not just when your project is completed. If you wish to work on new initiatives or projects for TriLUG, don't feel obliged to have TriLUG-wide agreement before you begin. Simply keep the TriLUG community informed of your work, and publish your work in a way that allows outsiders to test, discuss and contribute to your efforts.

When you disagree, consult others. - Disagreements, both political and technical, happen all the time and the TriLUG community is no exception. The important goal is not to avoid disagreements or differing views but to resolve them constructively. You should turn to the community and to the community process to seek advice and to resolve disagreements. We have the Steering Committee, which will help to decide the right course for TriLUG, but there are many leaders in many different disciplines within TriLUG who may be able to help you figure out which direction will be most acceptable. If you really want to go a different way, then we encourage you to expand and enrich the user group community by starting a new user group focused on your special interest. TriLUG isn't worried about competing with other groups, but wishes to assist and facilitate wherever possible and appropriate.

When you are unsure, ask for help. - Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the TriLUG community. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are encouraged. Those who are asked should be responsive and helpful. However, when asking a question, care must be taken to do so in an appropriate forum. Off-topic and "meta" questions should be marked as such (Subject: OT and/or META...).

Step down considerately. People come and go from any collaborative group. When you leave or disengage from TriLUG, in whole or in part, we ask that you do so in a way that minimizes disruption to the LUG. This means you should tell people you are leaving and take the proper steps to ensure that others can pick up where you leave off. This is mainly important for those providing volunteer services that others have come to depend on.

Mailing lists and IRC

Mailing lists and IRC are important parts of the TriLUG community platform. This code of conduct applies very much to your behavior in those forums too. Please follow these guidelines.

  1. Please use a valid email address to which direct responses can be made.
  2. Please avoid flamewars, trolling, personal attacks, and repetitive arguments.

Team leaders

In addition to this Code of Conduct, we hold our community leaders (such as IRC operators, mailing list owners, and the Steering Committee) to an even higher standard which is documented in the Leadership Code of Conduct.


The TriLUG Code of Conduct is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license and is based on the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct). You may re-use it for your own project, and modify it as you wish, just please allow others to use your modifications and give credit to the Triangle Linux Users Group.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning