September 13 Meeting: Baby Teeth: An Introduction to Bluetooth Security


Topic: Baby Teeth: An Introduction to Bluetooth Security Presenter: JP ".ronin" When: Thursday, September 13, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Video: Part 1 Part 2 Slides: PDF (from CarolinaCon 2012).

This talk will start with an overview of Bluetooth technology and how to operate in a Linux environment. JP will then demonstrate various ways to test the security of your Bluetooth devices, followed by a showcase of several tools that the author has written and some new tools that he has yet to release.

JP ".ronin" Dunning is a security consultant and researcher. His research interests include wireless and portable security, and he is the primary developer of Katana: Portable Multi-Boot Security Suite. He maintains for publishing projects and research.

There will be a TriLUG workshop on bluetooth security held on Saturday, 15th September. (We hope to make this a part of GeekSPARK in Raleigh, the exact location of the workshop will be announced soon)

If you would like to participate in the Saturday workshop following the meeting, the recommended bluetooth dongle is the Sena UD100 dongle. It costs about $40 bucks. These are available at online, for example has a free shipping option.

August 11 Workshop: CAcert Assurer Training, GPG Keysigning, Freenet


When: Saturday, 11 August, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Where: Splat Space - Durham's Hackerspace 331 W. Main St - Basement, Durham, NC Map: Google Maps To get in when you arrive, call the number on the door.

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM CAcert Training (Jeffrey Frederick) Format is a lecture/slide show for about 45-60 minutes. Then an open discussion, maybe 25-30 minutes depending on the questions. The last part is a group assurance. Each person will assure other attendees as needed. Maybe 30-45 minutes. See for more info.

lunch - Any time between CAcert and GPG. Bring your own food, order a pizza, or make a run to Main Street.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM GPG Keysigning (Jack Hill) GPG intro and keysigning party.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Freenet (Evan Daniel) Learn how to install and run a Freenet server (note: Freenet is not the same thing as Freenode)

If you plan to attend the CAcert Training, please RSVP via Meetup at or send an email to

July 12 meeting - OpenShift


OpenShift Logo Topic: OpenShift Presenter: Wesley Hearn When: Thursday, July 12, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Sponsor: BCBSNC 1-800-324-4973

Wesley Hearn will be presenting OpenShift, a cloud computing platform as a service product from Red Hat.

This meeting is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, the state’s largest health insurance company, providing service to over 3.5 million North Carolinians. BCBSNC will have a representative at the meeting to discuss insurance plans that they offer, specifically for the self-employed.

Synopsis: Wesley Hearn will be going over what Cloud computing is and where OpenShift is inside the Cloud stack. After everyone has a grasp on Cloud computing, he will go over how OpenShift differs from OpenShift Origin. Then it is on to the semi-fun stuff, the different components of OpenShift Origin and how they work together. Once Wesley has gone over all of this, he will show you how to set up and deploy a local install(he will be doing it in KVM) so you can develop and test your application before you push it to OpenShift.

Slides and files Wesley's slides are available here:

Video Google Hangout Live recordings: Part 1 and Part 2

August 9 meeting - CACert + GPG + Freenet


Topic: Triple Play: CACert + GPG + Freenet Presenters: Brian McCullough on CAcert + Jack Hill on GPG + Evan Daniel on Freenode When: Thursday, August 9, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Video: 9Aug2012 TriLUG

This TriLUG meeting is a "Triple Play", with three related topics presented together.

  • Brian McCullough will present CAcert
  • Jack Hill will present GPG
  • Evan Daniel will present Freenet

CAcert The first topic is an introduction to ( CAcert is a community driven certificate authority (CA) that issues digital certificates to members free of charge. CAcert uses the Web of Trust (WoT) model to validate identities to provide more functionality to members. This presentation will introduce CAcert, it's mission, and it's services.

Freenet Freenet ( is a distributed peer-to-peer data storage network. It enables users to store and retrieve documents, and provides strong anonymity and censorship resistance. Applications exist to use the network for file sharing, publishing and viewing web pages, social networking, and mail. The talk will cover the philosophy behind Freenet; an overview of data storage, routing, and cryptography; a programmer's perspective on using the network; and installation and setup of the software.

GPG An introduction to openPGP (rfc 4880) formatted keys and messages. After the talk, the audience should have the necessary understanding to participate in the global web of trust. To this end we will cover how to manipulate keys using the GnuPG command line interface, how to interpret portions of the web of trust to make real world decisions, and an overview of what to expect in a keysigning. I will also give motivating examples of why participating in the global web of trust is useful: authenticating email, and distributing software free from tampering.

Jack Hill is UNC-CH student and web developer with interests in scientific and educational software and functional programming.

Sponsor: none

June 14 Meeting - OpenGL


Topic: OpenGL Presenter: John Riselvato When: Thursday, June 14, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Example Code: OpenGLPresentation_Linux_v1.tgz Slides: OpenGL Presentation Slides Video Recording: 14 June 2012 TriLUG Meeting - Opengl

This TriLUG meet is an introduction in OpenGL. OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a hardware independent, cross-platform, cross-language API for developing graphical interfaces. It takes simple points, lines and polygons and gives the programmer the liberty to create outstanding projects.

This presentation will cover the following: - Introducing GLUT - Creating a 2D Square - Manipulating the Square - OpenGL Rotation &Transform - Adding 3D Rotation to the 2D Square - Generating a pseudo-complex objects with a simple for loop

Although OpenGL is cross-language, the presentation code will be displayed in C but understanding C is not needed.

Bio: John Riselvato is a Computational Science Intern at Shodor in Durham, North Carolina. John specializes in iOS development for Shodor, with two apps currently on the app store. Recently he had an opportunity to work on an OpenGL and CUDA project during his internship which sparked a large interest in OpenGL.

May 19 Annual Spring Installfest


Triangle Linux Users Group (TriLUG) Annual Spring Installfest

When: May 19, 2012, 10:00am - 5:00pm

Where: Splat Space - Durham's Hackerspace 331 W. Main St - Suite B02 (Basement) Durham, NC 27701 919-704-HACK

RSVP: via meetup

Now is your chance to install that favorite Linux or UNIX distro you always wanted on your computer. At Installfest we will have workshops to help you install Linux right, and tune it properly for your intended purpose, including advice from professional sys-admins and long-time experienced Linux and UNIX users.

We will be meeting at SplatSpace in Durham, from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Go here for directions to SplatSpace:

No prior experience is required to attend TriLUG Installfest and you don't need to own the latest hardware. There are plenty of members who will be glad to work with you and allow you ask questions. You don't need to be a member of TriLUG or Splat*Space in order to attend, but please do ask about the membership options while you're there. It's a great group of folks and there's a good chance that you'll share interests with many of the other members.

The hardest questions about Linux will be answered:

  • What distro?
  • What disk partitioning should I use?
  • What desktop interface should I use?
  • What do I do about file management & backups?
  • What about servers and daemons?

Bring your own computer or computers or other devices and join us to install that perfect system you've always wanted. We will have the latest popular distros available, or you can bring your own iso's.

Besides the usual categories of installations such as general, game playing, entertainment, development workstation, home or small business server, this year we will also be installing netbook, pad and small devices and single-board computers and embedded systems and microcontrollers.

Yes we will also be installing UNIX and Android systems.

Some effort will be made to mentor some application installations, like office apps, development IDE's, web servers and so on.

Join us for fun, frolic, and Linux.

May 10 Meeting -


Topic: Presenter: Ruth Suehle When: Thursday, May 10, 7pm Where: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus, 1801 Varsity Dr, Raleigh, NC Map: Google Maps Video Recording: 10 May 2012 TriLUG Meeting -

"Open source" isn't just about code anymore. It's a successful business model for selling that software — Red Hat recently became the first billion-dollar open source company. Then other businesses took notice and adopted openness principles. Now we see openness in education. In governments and laws. The principles of open source are changing everything about our lives — principles that you use in software development every day.

At, we explore all of that. We examine what happens when those principles — openness, transparency, collaboration, rapid prototyping, community — are applied to the world. We’ve found hundreds of stories of how openness has solved problems. Changed the way our children learn. Increased governmental transparency. Created collaboration in business. Helped save lives in times of crisis. "Open source" now defines a culture — a culture that’s changing the world.

But to help spread openness, you have to be able to talk about it in a way that keeps people from immediately thinking it's all about software. I'll tell you how to use pop culture — from Iron Man to The Hunger Games, World of Goo to Star Trek — to explain these principles and how you can apply them beyond the code.

Ruth Suehle is a writer and editor in Brand Communications + Design at Red Hat, Fedora contributor, and moderator of the Life channel. She's a maker at heart who is often behind a sewing machine, rolling fondant, or looking for the next DIY project. You can find her on Twitter and as @suehle.

April 14 Hack Day: IPv6


WORLD IPV6 LAUNCH is 6 June 2012 – The Future is Forever

This TriLUG Hack Day is about everything IPv6. Bring your PCs, smartphones, tablets, routers, or other interesting devices to see how they'll work in our IPv6 test lab. Come and get some hands-on experience with IPv6 on your own equipment.

This day is about preparing for World IPv6 Launch Day on 6th June. On this day, ISPs and Website operators will switch on IPv6 - permanently !

Location: SplatSpace located at 331 W. Main Street Durham, NC.

Date: The hack day will be on Saturday 14th April 2012. All day. 10am - 5pm


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning