April 8 Meeting: OLPC, Sugar Labs and Open Source in Education - Lessons Learned


  • with Greg DeKoenigsberg, Red Hat HQ, April 8th 7pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join us in April when Greg DeKoenigsberg, Senior Community Architect for Red Hat, presents a retrospective on the use of open source in education, with lessons learned from the OLPC project, along with future ideas of collaboration in teaching.

Greg is certainly in a position to know what he's talking about - he was a community advisor to the One Laptop Per Child project and a founding board member of the Sugar Labs project. He serves on the advisory boards of several open source advocacy organizations, writes about open source issues, and speaks at open source events worldwide.

Mar 11 Meeting: Web Security 101


Location: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus Speaker: Michael Peters Time: 7:00pm -0500 Thu, 11 Mar 2010 Food: Pizza and soft drinks provided


HTML is "easy", right? Security is not, right? Come listen to Michael Peters discuss web security, why you should care, where you should care, and tips for the "rest of us" who don't (but should!) wear a paranoia hat daily.

Michael will explain the basics of web security, discuss various attack vectors (SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF, and more), and some avoidance tactics. Whether you're an experienced web developer (we all need reminding) or just starting out, this talk can help avoid being the next easy harvest of The Bad Guys.

See the meeting wiki page for directions, etc.

Feb 11 Meeting: SQLite - A Brief History


Location: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus Speaker: D. Richard Hipp Time: 7:00pm -0500 Thu, 11 Feb 2010 Food: Pizza and soft drinks provided


Database technology has a long and rich history. Come listen to Richard mesmerize us with tales of the database world of yore, and the original reasons behind SQLite.

Richard will further delve into the evolution and world-wide adoption of SQLite up to the present day, survey the current state of database technology (and the trending "NoSQL" idea in particular), and how it all relates to embedded databases like SQLite. Finally, he'll tie it up with prognostications on future turns of database technology.

See the meeting wiki page for directions, etc.

January 14 meeting - A Linux-based Arcade Console


Location: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus Speaker: Thomas Munn Time: 7pm, Thursday January 14 Food: Pizza and soft drinks provided


Thomas has been working on something that is part art, part tech, and part FUN. He has an arcade game console with Linux under the hood.

Come hear Thomas tell us how he selected appropriate PC hardware, external controller boards and game inputs. He'll share his experiences putting it all together, from wood-working to soldering to software configuration. He'll show us some working parts (and some not-so-working parts), and photos of the almost complete game machine -- sorry, it's way too heavy to bring to the meeting!

December 10 meeting - Pot Luck social + the Beagle Board


Location: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus Speaker: Brian Phelps Time: Thursday December 10, 7pm Food: NO PIZZA THIS TIME - bring a dish to share


For the last few years in December, TriLUG has hosted a "social", a time to gather and eat and chat and play games, without the distractions of a planned presentation.

We're going to try something new this year, the hybrid talk / social meeting.

Brian Phelps has been working with a pretty neat ARM-based embedded board called the "Beagle Board". It's a very capable little machine, with very modest needs. It has some smokin' hot graphics and lots of pins for hooking stuff up to it. And it can be powered by a USB plug.

Before, during, and after Brian's presentation/demo, we will be sharing food with our peers. Bring a dish, either something home-made or something store-bought, and share it with the group.

Food sign-up/ideas sheet on the wiki: http://trilug.org/wiki/Meeting:2009_Dec_10



TriLUG has received generous support from the following organizations and individuals. The sponsors are listed in alphabetical order within each sponsorship category, and the donation made by each sponsor is noted.

TriLUG Sponsorship level descriptions can be found on the Sponsorship Information" page.

Please contact the Steering Committee if you or your organization are interested in sponsoring TriLUG.

Platinum Sponsors

Server co-location generously provided by DASH Systems. Logo for Dash Systems

Gold Sponsors

Caktus Group

Caktus Group located in Durham, NC provides the meeting space for TriLUG Hack Nights, at Caktus' Tech Space. Thank you, Caktus!

Brian's Hub 3D Printing

Brian provides an on-demand 3D printing service for the Triangle, featuring a 25% discount for TriLUG Members! Brian provides the custom TriTux models provided to TriLUG meeting presenters. Thank you Brian for your support!

Dr. Warren Jasper and the NCSU College of Textiles

Dr. Jasper and the NCSU College of Textiles generously provide the space for our regular monthly meetings. Thank you, Dr. Jasper and the College!

Silver Sponsors

O'Reilly and Associates have agreed to give TriLUG members 20% off of all O'Reilly and Associates books purchased at their website or through their phone number, 1-800-998-9938. See a Steering Committee member for details. O'Reilly also generously donates multiple titles to the TriLUG library, and giveaway books for our meetings.

Bronze Sponsors

All Things Open is a conference exploring open source, open tech, and the open Web in the enterprise. All Things Open is held every October in the Raleigh Convention Center.

Intrex Computers, is your 'one stop shop' for all your computing needs including parts, custom systems, repairs, and other services. Show your membership card at any of the Intrex stores & get discount pricing on all their products.

November 12 meeting - PostgreSQL 8.4


Location: Red Hat HQ, NCSU Centennial Campus Speaker: Andrew Dunstan Time: 7pm

The PostgreSQL project released v8.4 of its relational database in July. Andrew Dunstan will introduce us to the project as a whole, and delve into some of the new features (e.g. Windowing Functions) of the recent release. Andrew is also part of the Postgres development team, so as a bonus, we may get a sneak peek at in-development improvements (e.g. Streaming Replication).

Postgres is behind the scenes of many well-known sites and companies, including Cisco, Debian, MySpace, OpenStreetMap, Skype, and Yahoo!.


The Linux Users Group of the Triangle. Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and RTP.


Our monthly meetings are hosted by:

Dr. Warren Jasper

Hosting Sponsor

Hosting for TriLUG's infrastructure is provided by:


3D Printed "TriTuxes" provided by:
Brian Henning